The North Toronto Community Band was formed in 1998 and consists of approximately 40 members ranging in age from 16 to 80. Brought together by a passion for playing concert band music, members come with diverse musical backgrounds and different skill levels.
Many people in the band loved making music in high school, took 5, 10 or 20 years off, and have returned to playing.
Our Musical Director is Sydney Chiu.
We are a concert band, a wind symphony, a symphonic wind ensemble, however you name it. We are made up of mostly wind instruments: trumpets, trombones, french horns, oboe, bassoon, euphonium, flutes, saxophones, clarinets, a few percussionists and a string bass to round it off.
The band rehearses from 7:30 – 9:45 PM on Mondays, September to June at Willowdale Presbyterian Church. ( On Ellerslie Avenue, west of Yonge Street – near the North York Centre subway station)
We perform five or six concerts each season including performances for local seniors’ residences.
The Spring Gala concert is our big gig of the year. It is our only “formal” concert, and a wonderful event for our friends and family.